Mapping the website and mobile app audiences of Russia’s foreign communication outlets, RT and Sputnik, across 21 countries
Julia Kling, Florian Toepfl, Neil Thurman and Richard Fletcher
Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, policymakers worldwide have taken measures to curb the reach of Russia’s foreign communication outlets, RT and Sputnik. Mapping the audiences of these outlets in 21 countries, we show that in the quarter before the invasion, at least via their official websites and mobile apps, neither outlet reached more than 5% of the digital populations of any of these countries each month.

Fact-checking Trump’s election lies can improve confidence in U.S. elections: Experimental evidence
Catie Snow Bailard, Ethan Porter and Kimberly Gross
As the 2020 campaign unfolded, with a mix of extraordinary embellishments and outright falsehoods, President Trump’s attacks on the integrity of the U.S. electoral system grew louder and more frequent. Trump-aligned Republican candidates have since advanced similar false claims in their own campaigns in the lead-up to the 2022 midterm elections.