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Using an AI-powered “street epistemologist” chatbot and reflection tasks to diminish conspiracy theory beliefs

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Social scientists, journalists, and policymakers are increasingly interested in methods to mitigate or reverse the public’s beliefs in conspiracy theories, particularly those associated with negative social consequences, including violence. We contribute to this field of research using an artificial intelligence (AI) intervention that prompts individuals to reflect on the uncertainties in their conspiracy theory beliefs. Conspiracy theory believers who interacted with our “street epistemologist” chatbot subsequently showed weaker conviction in their conspiracy theory beliefs; this was also the case for subjects who were asked to reflect on their beliefs without conversing with an AI chatbot. We found that encouraging believers to reflect on their uncertainties can weaken beliefs and that AI-powered interventions can help reduce epistemically unwarranted beliefs for some believers.

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Research Questions

  • Can prompting individuals to reflect on the uncertainties underlying their conspiracy theory beliefs reduce the strength of such beliefs?
  • Can artificial intelligence be used to facilitate the type of reflection that mitigates conspiracy theory beliefs?
  • What roles do predispositions and concerns for belief accuracy play in fostering or stymying the efficacy of interventions designed to reduce the strength of conspiracy theory beliefs?
  • What can researchers do to bolster the efficacy of interventions designed to mitigate conspiracy theory beliefs?

Essay Summary

  • Prompting individuals to consider the reasons why they believe in conspiracy theories and the reservations they may have about such beliefs tends to reduce conviction.
  • An AI-powered chatbot instructed to behave like a “street epistemologist,” by probing individuals about their justifications for their conspiracy theory beliefs, can also reduce the strength of conspiracy theory beliefs.
  • Individuals who tend to either 1) report that the accuracy of a specific belief is important to them or 2) exhibit a greater predisposition towards viewing events and circumstances as the product of conspiracies are less likely to reduce the strength of the specific conspiracy theory belief after being prompted to reflect on that belief, with or without the chatbot intervention.
  • While it is encouraging that, on average, people soften their conspiracy theory beliefs upon reflection, the believers posing the greatest potential social challenges may be immune to such interventions.


Conspiracy theory research has increased dramatically over the last 15 years, particularly in response to the Trump presidency and COVID-19 pandemic (Hornsey et al., 2023). Much research examines the causes (Douglas et al., 2019) and consequences (Jolley et al., 2020) of conspiracy theory beliefs. The concern over conspiracy theories is largely due to their association with nonnormative behaviors including crime, vaccine refusal, and political violence (Jolley et al., 2022). Journalists, too, have expressed concerns over how beliefs in conspiracy theories may promote dangerous individual behaviors (Collins, 2020) and influence public policy (Moine, 2024; Zadrozny, 2024).

Unsurprisingly then, a growing body of research has focused on preventing or weakening beliefs in conspiracy theories or in other more general forms of epistemically suspect information (e.g., misinformation) (Banas & Miller, 2013; Bode & Vraga, 2018; Bonetto et al., 2018; Compton et al., 2021; Islam et al., 2021; Jolley & Douglas, 2017; Nyhan et al., 2013; Smith et al., 2023). Within this work, researchers have attempted to prevent epistemically suspect beliefs by exposing individuals to small bits of information (sometimes referred to as “inoculations” in the literature) intended to help those individuals spot suspect information (Traberg et al., 2022); other interventions are intended to prime resistance to persuasion using online games (Lees et al, 2023 Roozenbeek & van der Linden, 2018). Other studies have attempted to “correct” existing beliefs in epistemically suspect information with authoritative information (Blair et al., 2023), ridicule (Orosz et al., 2016), or messages from ingroup leaders (Berinsky, 2015). In terms of technological innovation to deliver such treatments, large language models are beginning to be used to generate person-specific corrections to conspiracy theory beliefs, seemingly with some success (Costello et al., 2024). For example, chatbots have been used to deliver information about COVID-19, with positive impact on vaccination intentions (Altay et al., 2023). Chatbots have also been used to communicate arguments on the safety of genetically modified organisms, but their impact did not exceed that of providing participants with a list of these arguments (Altay et al., 2022).

While there is significant evidence that some interventions decrease belief in some types of epistemically suspect ideas, corrective measures have a spotty track record with conspiracy theory beliefs more specifically, indicating that changing people’s minds about conspiracy theory beliefs is a challenge (Nyhan et al., 2013; O’Mahony et al., 2023). This may be attributed, in part, to 1) the psychological factors often associated with conspiracy theory beliefs, such as narcissism and conflictual tendencies, that may make believers resistant to belief correction (Enders, Klofstad, et al., 2022) and 2) the malleability and unfalsifiable nature of conspiracy theories (Keeley, 1999). For example, a lack of evidence for a conspiracy theory can count in its favor because it shows just how much the conspirators are covering their tracks (Boudry & Braeckman, 2011). Thus, it is of little surprise that conspiracy theory beliefs are often found to be stable at both the mass and individual levels (Uscinski, Enders, Klofstad, et al., 2022; Williams et al., 2024).

In this study, we focused on the impact of self-reflection by prompting people to reflect on the justifications for their beliefs. The literature on the illusion of explanatory depth suggests that people overestimate their ability to explain the mechanics of everyday objects, natural events, and social systems (Rozenblit & Keil, 2002). When they realize their overconfidence, their confidence in their understanding diminishes. Similarly, asking people to explain how a favored policy achieves a goal reduces their support for the policy, decreasing polarization (Fernbach et al., 2013; Sloman & Vives, 2022). Those prone to the illusion of explanatory depth are more likely to believe conspiracy theories, indicating that critical self-examination may be able to reduce confidence in such beliefs (Vitriol & Marsh, 2018).

We tested similar interventions inspired by street epistemology—a conversational approach used to engage people in discussions about their beliefs, focusing on how they arrived at their beliefs and the reliability of their methods for discerning truth (Boghossian & Lindsay, 2019). The goal of street epistemology is not to directly debate or persuade, but instead to understand and explore why a person adopted particular beliefs (Boghossian, 2014). Given that the method involves long interactive conversations, street epistemology has not yet been tested with large representative samples of believers due to costs. This has left street epistemology with only anecdotal support. Rather than testing the effectiveness of complete conversations, we tested some central techniques from the toolkit of street epistemology in an isolated manner.

Our first intervention prompted respondents to reflect on the reasons that support their conspiracy theory (CT) belief (labeled “CT: Reflect on Reasons” in the analytical results below). Our second intervention prompted respondents to reflect on their reservations about a conspiracy theory belief of theirs (“CT: Reflect on Reservations”). Our third intervention exposed respondents to an AI-powered chatbot instructed to use both of these techniques, first by eliciting respondents’ reasons in favor, then by discussing reservations about their conspiracy theory belief (“CT: Interact with AI”). We targeted our interventions at people who reported believing in a conspiracy theory, but who also expressed less than total agreement (i.e., rating a conspiracy theory as a 6, 7, 8, or 9 on a scale in which 0 is total disagreement and 10 is full agreement). This allowed us to focus on people who presumably have some doubts about the conspiracy theory that is the target of our interventions. We also asked respondents to reflect on a non-conspiratorial belief to see if our observed effects were unique to conspiracy theory beliefs (“Non-CT: Reflect on Reservations”).

Conspiracy theories are not uniquely resistant to reflection

Past research has demonstrated that beliefs in conspiracy theories can be predicted using the same individual-level factors that predict non-conspiratorial ideas, such as personality traits, political ideologies, group identities, psychological predispositions, and life experiences. Likewise, conspiracy theory beliefs can be affected by situational factors that also affect other types of beliefs, including elections, news media, information environments, and salient events (e.g., Enders, Farhart, et al., 2022). In this sense, it is reasonable to suspect that conspiracy theories would likely be affected by the same interventions that might affect any other type of belief. 

To test this, we investigated whether reflection reduces beliefs in non-conspiratorial ideas, such as “Spicy food is not only flavorful but also beneficial for metabolism.” We found that reflection reduces belief in such statements about as much as in conspiracy theories, suggesting that the effects of reflection on belief strength are neither limited to conspiracy theories nor to false statements. This result offers an important lesson to researchers, journalists, and policymakers: Even though conspiracy theories might subjectively seem like strange ideas (Orr & Husting, 2018; Walker, 2018), beliefs in conspiracy theories operate in much the same way as beliefs in conventional ideas. As such, interventions aimed at curbing beliefs in conspiracy theories or other epistemically suspect ideas could likely also curb beliefs in true or epistemically sound ideas, at least initially (Modirrousta-Galian & Higham, 2023; Stoeckel et al., 2024).

People can change their ratings of conspiracy theories and AI can be used to facilitate this

Our study revealed that all interventions caused individuals to significantly reduce the strength of their conspiracy theory beliefs. These results confirm that many people are often uncertain about the ideas they claim to believe or are at least open to amending their beliefs (e.g., Costello et al., 2024). AI-powered interventions offer the potential for more efficient, cost-effective, large-scale solutions. This remains true even if recent findings suggest that more powerful large language models do not enhance persuasiveness (Hackenburg et al., 2024). We also believe AI chatbots can become more engaging and effective, though recent research indicating that more tailored messaging might not increase persuasiveness suggest that a ceiling to AI effectiveness exists (Hackenburg & Margetts, 2024). Whereas basic reflection tasks might require a level of introspection about abstract concerns that individuals rarely engage in unprompted in their daily lives, the AI-powered discussions (see Appendix D for examples) are designed to be more conversational in style, and therefore more familiar and natural to people. We expect this aspect of AI to only improve in the future (e.g., Altay et al., 2023).

Yet the potential of AI to administer reflection-based interventions at scale also raises significant ethical concerns. Reflection-based interventions can lead people to change their beliefs even without introducing new facts or statistics (Jedinger et al., 2023). This raises concerns about potential misuse by malign actors. For instance, AI bots could guide individuals to question their beliefs about political topics; they could also prompt reflection to weaken beliefs in true claims, at least in the short term. Our intention is to harness this tool for pro-social purposes, but we acknowledge the risks and the need for ethical guidelines.

Some individual-level characteristics hamper belief change

Although we observed a significant average reduction in belief strength in all our interventions, we also observed heterogeneous effects––certain factors conditioned the efficacy of the interventions. One such factor is the importance that subjects ascribe to whether the specific belief in question is accurate. Among those for whom belief accuracy is most important, we did not observe a significant effect of any reflection task; among those for whom accuracy was least important, we observed significant reductions in belief strength across all tasks. This may seem counterintuitive—presumably, those most concerned with the accuracy of a specific belief would be most likely to revise that belief when it is interrogated, either on their own or with the help of the street epistemologist chatbot. However, we suspect that the question about belief accuracy importance captured confidence in belief accuracy.Additional testing in future studies is necessary (e.g., Binnendyk & Pennycook, 2023).

In addition, we found that individuals who exhibited the greatest tendency to interpret events and circumstances as the product of conspiracies (e.g., Uscinski et al., 2016) were unaffected by the reflection interventions. By contrast, those exhibiting weak or middling tendencies toward conspiracy thinking did, on average, reduce the strength of their conspiracy theory beliefs upon reflection. This makes sense: Individuals who believe conspiracy theories because those beliefs reflect their underlying worldviews should have the most certainty in those beliefs. As a result, they are less likely to weaken their conspiracy theory beliefs upon reflection. In fact, as some negative changes in beliefs observed in Figure 3 suggest, reflection on conspiracy theory beliefs by the most conspiracy-minded individuals might strengthen such beliefs, bringing them more in line with individuals’ existing worldviews and prepositions.

This finding has two implications. First, it underscores that the strength and stability of conspiracy theory beliefs are related to one’s general disposition toward conspiracy thinking. Second, it suggests that interventions designed to reduce the strength of conspiracy theory beliefs are least efficacious—and might even backfire—among those individuals who are most conspiratorial. Yet those are the individuals that policymakers are most interested in targeting. Focusing on the average effects of interventions to tackle conspiracy theory beliefs leads to missing the possibility that the most conspiratorial individuals, and those who are supposedly most concerned about the accuracy of their beliefs, are resistant to belief change upon reflection or interrogation. Future studies should take this possibility seriously by 1) re-thinking how existing interventions could be redesigned to reach such individuals (e.g., Kozyreva et al., 2024) and 2) always investigating the potential conditioning effects of various predispositions, worldviews, identities, and other priors that might hinder the efficacy of interventions. It is important to note that simply expressing agreement with a conspiracy theory on a survey does not necessarily imply that the respondent is heavily invested in that conspiracy theory or will act on that conspiracy theory in any meaningful way. Hence, we should not confuse respondents who agree with one or a few conspiracy theories in a survey environment with the popular caricature of a “conspiracy theorist,” that is, a person irrationally taken with conspiracy theories who cannot be successfully argued with.

Artificial intelligence and interventions

Despite widespread concerns about AI spreading disinformation (White, 2024), our findings suggest that such technology can be used to improve the epistemic quality of people’s beliefs at scale. The reflective techniques drawn from street epistemology hold promise because they do not aim to convince or persuade but merely to stimulate self-reflection. Since the chatbot does not introduce facts or statistics, issues of “hallucination” and misinformation are not a significant concern. However, like any method for changing minds, it must be used judiciously and with caution, accounting for the fact that those deploying the interventions might themselves be mistaken about the truth, or worse, might not have the best of intentions.

The finding that reflection on uncertainties can weaken conspiracy theory beliefs without introducing new facts or statistics underscores the effectiveness of non-confrontational methods for belief change. This implies that the basic proposition of street epistemology, to prioritize self-reflection over persuasion, can help individuals to question their own beliefs (Boghossian, 2014; Boghossian & Lindsay, 2019). This type of intervention also has unique ethical advantages, as it respects individual autonomy and avoids manipulation.

The heterogeneity in response to our interventions underscores the need for customized approaches. Different individuals may require different types of reflection prompts or engagement strategies based on their predispositions and belief systems. The finding that those most confident in their beliefs are least likely to change suggests that interventions should focus on gradually building doubt and encouraging open-mindedness rather than attempting immediate, wholesale belief change. Since the interventions were effective in reducing both conspiratorial and some non-conspiratorial beliefs, the same cognitive mechanisms appear to be at play across different types of beliefs. Further research should investigate these mechanisms more fully.


Finding 1: Reflection on beliefs can cause belief change.

Figure 1 depicts the average change in the strength of conspiracy theory beliefs before and after each of three interventions: 1) instructing respondents to interact with a chatbot instructed to behave like a street epistemologist that probes the reasons for subjects’ beliefs (“CT: Interact with AI”), 2) instructing respondents to reflect on their uncertainties, or reservations, about the conspiracy theories they report to believe (“CT: Reflect on Reservations”), and 3) instructing respondents to reflect on the reasons why subjects believe the conspiracy theories they believe (“CT: Reflect on Reasons”). A fourth intervention asked respondents about randomly selected non-conspiratorial ideas, instructing them to reflect on their uncertainties, or reservations, about these ideas. This allowed us to explore whether there might be a specific property to conspiracy theories that make them more resistant to change than other ideas, as is often assumed (Costello et al., 2024). We also include effect sizes, as estimated by Cohen’s d.

Figure 1. Average effect of each intervention as measured by change (decrease) in beliefs (bars represent 95% confidence interval).

For each intervention, we observed a statistically significant (i.e., distinguishable from 0 at p < .05) decrease in the strength of beliefs (as measured on a scale of 0–10) from pre- to post-intervention. Even though the change in belief appears to have been larger for those subjects asked to reflect on their uncertainties about their conspiracy theory beliefs (“CT: Reflect on Reservations”), there were no statistically significant differences between any pair of effects (p-values from two-tailed t-tests ranged from .074 to .915). Importantly, this applies to the group of subjects who were not asked about beliefs in conspiracy theories, and as such, beliefs in conspiracy theories might be just asamenable to change upon reflection as beliefs in other ideas.

These results contribute to a body of research into reflective thinking, that, at times, has presented contradictory findings (Crawford & Ruscio, 2021; Fernbach et al., 2013; Hirt & Markman, 1995; Sloman & Vives, 2022; Tesser, 1978; Vitriol & Marsh, 2018; Yelbuz et al., 2022). Thus, our study contributes more evidence in favor of reflection potentially weakening beliefs, suggesting that people are open to changing their minds about some propositions. We now consider two different individual-level characteristics that might moderate the effects depicted in Figure 1, potentially shedding light on who specifically our treatments are most and least likely to benefit.

Finding 2: People most concerned about the accuracy of specific beliefs are less likely to revise those beliefs.

Next, we examined the impact of the importance of accuracy on how much respondents changed the beliefs we assessed. Attempts to highlight the importance of belief accuracy are central to efforts aimed at addressing conspiracy theory beliefs (Pennycook & Rand, 2022). The basic hypothesis is that if people are either prompted or incentivized to focus on accuracy (Pennycook et al., 2021; Rathje et al., 2023), then both their assessments of the accuracy of information and their subsequent beliefs should become more accurate (Smith et al., 2023). In other words, people may interact with information and ideas differently when they are attempting to be accurate as opposed to when they are attempting to be partisan (Chopra et al., 2024).

After subjects expressed belief in a given conspiracy theory (or a more mundane idea in the “Non-CT” condition), they were asked: “How important is it to you that your viewpoint on statement is accurate?” Respondents could answer 1 = not at all important, 2 = slightly important, 3 = moderately important, 4 = very important, or 5 = extremely important. Figure 2 presents the marginal effects of the interventions conditioned on the importance of accuracy.

Among those for whom belief accuracy was “extremely important,” we failed to observe statistically significant changes in belief strength (conspiracy theory and non-conspiracy theory) across all interventions; in two out of four cases, the same can be said of those for whom belief accuracy was “very important.” That is to say, people who claimed that accuracy was important to them were the least willing to alter their beliefs. On the other hand, among those who reported that belief accuracy was not particularly important, we observed significant reductions in belief strength across the board.

We suspect that the question about the importance of belief accuracy, rather than measuring the importance of accuracy, instead captured respondents’ perception that the belief in question was an accurate belief, conspiracy theory or not. We caution that we cannot know this for certain and suggest that more research is needed. Because it is important for researchers to account for belief importance and centrality when attempting to understand the effect of persuasive interventions on those beliefs, future studies should consider whether their measures of belief importance and accuracy importance actually capture what researchers intend to capture.

Figure 2. The marginal effect of each intervention as measured by the change (decrease) in beliefs, by level of stated importance of belief accuracy (bars represent 95% confidence interval).

Finding 3: The most conspiratorial individuals are least willing to revise beliefs.

A second variable that might condition the effects observed in Figure 1 is conspiracy thinking, the general tendency to interpret events and circumstances as the product of conspiracies (Klofstad et al., 2019). Given past theoretical and empirical research (Uscinski, Enders, Klofstad, et al., 2022), we presume that conspiracy thinking operates as a stable predisposition, even a belief system (Enders, 2019). As such, among those for whom conspiracism is a focal lens through which the world is interpreted (Zilinsky et al., 2024), we might expect that beliefs in specific conspiracy theories are only minimally amendable to revision—regardless of the intervention. This is because such beliefs may operate only as mere outward expressions of a strong, stable inner disposition (Strömbäck et al., 2024), which would itself be difficult to dampen or diminish, and because the disposition itself is often associated with psychological traits that presumably make people resistant to outside correction, including narcissism, argumentative and conflictual styles, and psychopathy (Enders et al., 2023; Uscinski, Enders, Diekman, et al., 2022). Likewise, among those least disposed toward conspiracy theories (i.e., low levels of conspiracy thinking), beliefs in a single conspiracy theory might be more amendable to change through reflection and interrogation.

We measured the conspiratorial thinking predisposition using the American Conspiracy Thinking Scale (ACTS), which is an index of reactions to the following four statements (Enders, Farhart, et al., 2022):

  1. Much of our lives are being controlled by plots hatched in secret places.
  2. Even though we live in a democracy, a few people will always run things anyway.
  3. The people who really “run” the country, are not known to the voters.
  4. Big events like wars, recessions, and the outcomes of elections are controlled by small groups of people who are working in secret against the rest of us.  

Subjects rated their agreement with each statement on a 5-point Likert-type scale (1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree, nor disagree, 4 = agree, and 5 = strongly agree); these reactions were averaged into an index (a = 0.85). These questions were fielded before the pre-intervention belief assessments.

Figure 3 depicts the marginal effects of the interventions conditioned on level of conspiracy thinking (where low, middling, and high refer to terciles of the ACTS distribution). Indeed, we found evidence for our expectation. There were significant effects among those exhibiting weak or middling levels of conspiracy thinking indicating that beliefs that are not undergirded by strong dispositions are more amenable to change. However, we did not observe significant effects among individuals with higher levels of conspiracy thinking with respect to any intervention. Even for the intervention attempting to change respondents’ minds about a non-conspiratorial idea, high levels of conspiracy thinking were associated with less belief revision.

Figure 3. Marginal effect of each intervention as measured by the change (decrease) in beliefs, by level of conspiracy thinking (with 95% confidence interval).

In summary, while the interventions we tested show promise at reducing the strength of conspiracy theory beliefs on average, they do not appear to be efficacious when it comes to individuals with the highest levels of conspiracy thinking—a group of great concern to researchers given their psychological traits and behavioral tendencies (Enders et al., 2023; Uscinski, Enders, Diekman, et al., 2022). By contrast, people who hold conspiracy theory beliefs that are flippant, easy to correct, and not undergirded by ideologies, predispositions, and worldviews may be the least likely to engage in nonnormative behaviors related to those beliefs. Thus, while correcting conspiracy theory beliefs in individuals with a low level of conspiracy thinking may provide an easy win for researchers testing interventions, the prevention of nonnormative behaviors, which researchers tend to prioritize (e.g., Lazić & Žeželj, 2021), may be far more difficult because it is the people with high levels of generalized conspiracy thinking who are most likely to support violence, take part in violence, and have personality traits conducive to the commission of violence (Enders et al., 2023; Uscinski, Enders, Diekman, et al., 2022).


The survey was built in Qualtrics and fielded online by Forthright ( from April 1–10, 2024. Quotas were used to create a sample (n = 2,036) that matched the 2016–2021 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates on sex, age, race, income, and education (Table 1). Use of quota sampling means there is no response or completion rate to report. In line with best practices for self-administered online surveys (Berinsky et al., 2021), six attention check questions were included in the questionnaire; participants who failed to complete all attention checks correctly were excluded from the dataset (in Appendix I, we present replications of our analyses using more relaxed exclusion criteria). Participants who completed the questionnaire in less than one-half the median time calculated from a soft launch of the survey were also not included in the dataset. Forthright complies fully with European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR) standards for protecting research subjects’ privacy and information. Subjects were invited to participate by email and consented voluntarily to particulate by reading an informed consent statement and clicking a button to proceed to the next screen in the survey. Subjects were free to end participation at any time by closing their internet browser.

n = 2,036
Race (alone or in combination)  
   Black or African American14.316.3
   American Indian, Alaskan Native1.93.2
   Asian, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander7.36.4
Hispanic Origin  
Household Income  
   $24,999 or less17.222.7
   $200,000 or more9.53.4
   Less than high school diploma11.16.1
   High school graduate/GED26.525.7
   Some college, no degree20.019.6
   Associate’s degree8.79.0
   Bachelor’s degree20.624.4
   Graduate or professional degree13.115.2
Table 1. Sample demographics (in percentages).

The study employed a within-subjects design (see Figure 4 for a visual representation of the research design). All participants were asked to rate their agreement with seven conspiracy theories on an 11-point agree/disagree scale (see Appendix A for item wording). The responses were the baseline measurement for the treatment group. Participants were randomized into the conspiracy condition (75%) or the non-conspiracy condition (25%).

Across conditions, if participants did not demonstrate general agreement with any of the ideas presented (>= 6), they were excluded. For the remaining participants, we selected an idea that they rated between 6 and 10—the one where the response was closest to 8 and randomizing the selection if this was applicable to several ideas. The reflection task was focused on this selected conspiracy theory or another idea, depending on the condition. Participants were asked how important it is to them that their viewpoint on the selected statement is accurate using a 5-point scale ranging from 1 = not at all important to 5 = extremely important. Participants were randomly allocated to one of three interventions (see Appendix B for precise wording of each intervention and Appendix C for the chatbot protocol):

  • Intervention 1 (“CT: Interact with AI”): Participants were asked to have a chat with a customized AI-chatbot that prompted them to critically reflect on the selected statement. The interaction included prompts to both reflect on reasons in favor of a statement and to reflect on reasons for doubt about the statement (see Appendix D for sample conversations). 
  • Intervention 2 (“CT: Reflect on Reservations”): Participants were asked to list the factors that contributed to their reservations about the statement in a free-text field.
  • Intervention 3 (“CT: Reflect on Reasons”): Participants were asked to list the factors that supported their endorsement of the statement in a free-text field.

Participants in the non-conspiracy condition were shown up to three statements about food. For this group, the reflection task focused on the first of these three items that they agreed with (>= 6). Participants were similarly asked how important it was that their viewpoint on the selected statement was accurate using a 5-point scale from 1 = not at all important to 5 = extremely important. Then participants were asked to list the factors that contributed to their reservations about the statement in a free-text field, just as in intervention 2 above, except that they reflected on the selected statement about food. Immediately after the treatment, participants were again asked to rate their endorsement of the reflection statement. Participants in the conspiracy condition were shown the selected conspiracy theory, and participants in the non-conspiracy condition were shown the selected statement about food. Agreement was again measured on the same 11-point agree/disagree scale.

Estimates presented in Figure 1 are simple differences of means. We present the intervention effects estimated using an OLS regression model with controls for age, educational attainment, gender, and race in Appendix E; inferences are substantively identical. The estimates presented in Figures 2 and 3 are marginal effects from OLS regression models where the pre-post difference in beliefs is regressed on condition, accuracy importance (conspiracy thinking), and interaction between accuracy importance (conspiracy thinking), and controls for age, educational attainment, gender, and race. Full model estimates appear in Appendices F and G.

Figure 4. Schematic of the study design.

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Marco Meyer received funding from the Volkswagen Foundation. The survey was funded by the University of Miami Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Scholarship.

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The authors declare no competing interests.


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