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State media tagging does not affect perceived tweet accuracy: Evidence from a U.S. Twitter experiment in 2022
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State media outlets spread propaganda disguised as news online, prompting social media platforms to attach state-affiliated media tags to their accounts. Do these tags reduce belief in state media misinformation? Previous studies suggest the tags reduce misperceptions but focus on Russia, and current research does not compare these tags with other interventions. Contrary to expectations, a preregistered U.S. experiment found no effect of Twitter-style tags on belief in false state media claims, seemingly because they were rarely noticed. By contrast, fact-check labels decreased belief in false information from state outlets. We recommend platforms design state media tags that are more visible to users.

Research Questions
- Do state-affiliated media tags reduce beliefs in tweets containing false information?
- Do fact-checking tags decrease misperceptions more than state-affiliated media tags?
- Does tagging tweets as state-affiliated media reduce trust in the outlet publishing them?
- Do the effects of tagging tweets as state-affiliated media vary between a negatively perceived country and a neutrally perceived country?
- Does tagging true tweets as state-affiliated media reduce their perceived accuracy?
Essay Summary
- In an experiment conducted on Amazon Mechanical Turk (May 7–14, 2022; N = 2,555), we tested the effects of exposure to the state-affiliated media tags used on Twitter in 2022 on U.S. respondents’ belief in false information from state media outlets.
- We found no evidence that state media tags changed the perceived accuracy of false claims from state media and confirmed that fact-check labels reduce the perceived accuracy of misinformation.
- These null effects suggest that users may not have noticed Twitter’s state-affiliated media tags, indicating a weakness in their design.
Ownership of media firms around the world primarily falls into two categories: media owned by the state and privately owned media (Djankov et al., 2003). Some media outlets that are state-owned or receive government support remain independent from the government. Other outlets are directly controlled by the state and are used by the government to shape political narratives (Djankov et al., 2003; Dragomir & Söderström, 2021; Walker & Orttung, 2014). Although state-affiliated media outlets can exist in democratic countries, this model of state control is in its “most potent” form under authoritarian regimes, where state media outlets are used to spread propaganda in support of the government (Dragomir & Söderström, 2021; Walker & Orttung, 2014).
While television has historically been a prominent form of state-controlled media, social media platforms also provide a mechanism for authoritarian regimes to manipulate information flows and propagate misinformation (Arnold et al., 2021; Bastos & Farkas, 2019; Bradshaw & Howard 2018). State media outlets from authoritarian countries like Russia and China have turned to sites like Facebook and Twitter (now X) to conduct “influence operations” that challenge the existing global order (DiResta et al., 2019; Kinetz, 2021; Xu & Wang, 2022). These government-controlled outlets have sought to broaden their appeal over time by adapting source names and appearing more mainstream to news consumers (e.g., Tiffany, 2022). Russia, in particular, has long sought to use propaganda to exacerbate divisions in the West (Osnos et al., 2017). Chinese state media outlets are also very active in trying to shape perceptions of the regime, including promoting misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic (Cook, 2020; Molter & DiResta, 2020). Even authoritarian states that are not direct U.S. competitors, like Serbia, use state media platforms to spread propaganda (Mujanović, 2022).
Because the names of state media accounts may be unfamiliar, social media platforms have introduced labels and tags identifying them to users. Twitter, for instance, introduced labels in August 2020 (Robertson, 2020). As CNN wrote at the time, state media accounts after the change “show a podium with a microphone and a label that says ‘state-affiliated media’” in gray text under their username and in their bio (Gold, 2020). By contrast, Twitter’s fact-check labels at the time the study was conducted appeared in blue underneath the tweet in question and said, for example, “False information: Checked by independent fact-checkers.”1Figure 2 below provides an example of how the state media tags and fact-check labels appeared as implemented in our study. At the time data was collected for this study in May 2022, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all provided warnings that certain accounts or posts were from state-affiliated media (Finnegan & Thorbecke, 2021; Gold, 2018; Jackson, 2022). Elon Musk subsequently completed his takeover of Twitter in October 2022. In April 2023, Twitter first labeled National Public Radio as “state-affiliated media” (Folkenflik, 2023) and then dropped all state media labels (Reuters, 2023), seemingly causing views and engagement with state media content to increase (Klepper, 2023; Sadeghi et al., 2023). Most recently, in August 2023, Meta added “state-controlled media” labels to Threads, its text-based social network (Rosen, 2023).2Hundley et al. (2023) provide an instructive overview of how Meta defines state-controlled media and implements its policies.
Source-level labels of untrustworthy sources like authoritarian state media outlets offer a scalable alternative to attaching fact-checking tags to individual claims. Compared to fact checks, however, state media tags remain understudied. At the time this study was conducted, only two published studies had considered the effect of state media tags on the perceived accuracy of the content in social media posts; both found that tags tend to reduce users’ belief in false content (Arnold et al., 2021; Nassetta & Gross, 2020). However, Nassetta and Gross (2020) only consider YouTube, and they found that tags have the strongest effects when they are more visible than the format used on the platform (i.e., superimposed on the video instead of below the video).
Similarly, Arnold et al. (2021) tested the effects of tags that are more prominent than those used by Twitter or Facebook (i.e., they tested a red alert symbol along with text appearing under a tweet rather than the gray text under the account name used by both platforms at the time). Moreover, both studies focus on Russian state media and the topic of election fraud, raising questions about whether the effects generalize to state media outlets from other countries (people may perceive state media tags differently based on their opinions of the source state).3One non-experimental study that considered state media from a source other than Russia is Liang et al. (2022), which found that the introduction of state-affiliated media tags appears to reduce aggregate-level sharing of Chinese state media on Twitter. Other studies consider outcomes like comments (e.g., Bradshaw et al., 2023). Since this study was conducted, Tao and Horiuchi (2023) and Moravec et al. (2023) have conducted additional related studies, which we address in more detail below.
Beyond state media tags, existing literature also suggests that fact-check labels are effective (Clayton et al., 2020; Pennycook et al., 2020). For instance, Clayton et al. (2020) found that directly labeling misinformation (i.e., “rated false”) reduces its perceived accuracy more than ambiguous tags (i.e., “disputed”). State media tags may also decrease people’s trust in the overall credibility of the news outlet.
Our experimental design improves on prior published studies in several important respects. First, we tested the design of the actual state-affiliated media tags as implemented on Twitter at the time of the study in 2022 rather than a hypothetical tag design of the sort tested in past research such as Nassetta and Gross (2020) and Arnold et al. (2021). We choose to focus on Twitter as opposed to Facebook because it is an especially important source of political news and has seen engagement with misinformation at a higher rate than Facebook since 2016 (Allcott et al., 2019; Walker & Matsa, 2021). Second, most prior research focuses on Russian misinformation, making it unclear if the state-affiliated media tag effects they found are due to negative perceptions of Russia. Instead, we tested the effects of tags identifying state-affiliated media from China, another country that is widely viewed unfavorably in the United States. We contrasted China state-affiliated media tags with tags identifying the outlet as state-affiliated media from Serbia, a country rated by Freedom House in 2023 as “partly free” that Americans view neutrally (Mujanović 2022), and with tags identifying the outlet as state-affiliated media from an unnamed country. Third, we tested the effects of state-affiliated media tags on the perceived accuracy of both true and false tweets across a range of topics rather than false claims about a single highly salient topic. Finally, we tested the effectiveness of state-affiliated media tags against fact checks, the most prominent claim-level intervention used by social media platforms. Unlike fact checks, which are applied at the claim level, state-affiliated media tags are applied at the user level.
Contrary to Nassetta and Gross (2020) and Arnold et al. (2021), we found that state-affiliated media tags typically go unnoticed by people in the United States and have no measurable effect on the perceived accuracy of false claims from state media outlets. In some cases, the tags may increase belief in false claims among people with the most trust in state media at baseline. By contrast, fact-check labels significantly reduce the perceived accuracy of the targeted claims. These results suggest that state-affiliated media tags may not be as effective at reducing belief in false information as prior studies have indicated.
We considered two explanations for these findings. First, a manipulation check showed that the tags we tested were frequently not recalled by users, though our respondents passed attention checks and showed high levels of recall of the content of past tweets they had seen. We thus inferred that users did not notice Twitter’s state-affiliated media tags in the posts they were shown. This finding therefore appears to reflect a failure of the design used by the platform at the time, which we tested directly.
This interpretation allows us to reconcile our findings with past research, especially Arnold et al. (2021), who tested a more visually prominent tag that may have made it more likely that participants noticed the state-affiliated media tag. By contrast, respondents in our study may have ignored the smaller grey text (consistent with those designed by Twitter) in which the tag appeared. This interpretation is further supported by the much higher recall rates we found for the fact-check tag we tested, which, mimicking Twitter’s fact-check tag at the time, was larger, blue, and located directly below the tweet. Our results are also consistent with Nassetta and Gross (2020), who found that only 51% of respondents were able to identify RT as state-funded after receiving the state-funded media tag on the video compared to just over 40% of respondents who saw no state media label.
More importantly, we can reconcile these findings with the two newest and most directly relevant studies that have been published in the time since our study was conducted. Tao and Horiuchi (2023) found that state-affiliated media tags from authoritarian countries have no effect on perceived accuracy but posts from state-affiliated media in democratic countries are seen as more accurate. Moravec et al. (2023) found that state-controlled media labels on Facebook can be effective at reducing engagement with state media posts, but that these tags are only effective when users notice the tags, which reinforces our explanation that users may not have noticed the tags. However, they also found that the tags are more effective for a country that is perceived negatively.
A second explanation for these findings is that people do not understand what the term “state media” suggests about the credibility of the content they encounter. An exploratory analysis suggests that state media tags may be ineffective or even counterproductive among people who report viewing state media favorably. It would be valuable to measure the effects of using an alternative term or providing information about what “state media” means.
Future studies should also test if more visually prominent state media tags are more widely noticed by users, and whether they affect the perceived accuracy of true and false tweets. Additionally, it would be valuable to replicate this study with a wider variety of tweets and populations, including countries and platforms besides users of Twitter in the United States. Finally, scholars should consider a wider range of outcome variables, including willingness to like or retweet a tweet. Such studies could use both experimental and quasi-experimental research designs (e.g., by building on the approach in Liang et al., 2022), to see if state media labels affect the willingness to like or share posts in a dynamic interactive feed environment.
Beyond future research, we also acknowledge limitations in our research design. First, the main statement in each tweet was repeated in the relevant survey question, creating the potential that respondents may have skipped directly to the question without reading the tweet itself. In addition, the control group rated false tweets as “not very accurate” on average, limiting how much the state media tag treatment could reduce perceived accuracy. However, the fact-check labels still reduced the perceived accuracy of false tweets despite these limitations. Third, we held tweet content fixed to isolate the effect of labels and tags; future research should consider how these effects vary for different types of content.
Despite these limitations, our results demonstrate that the state-affiliated media tags used by Twitter in 2022 did not measurably reduce the perceived accuracy of false claims. Unfortunately, people rarely noticed them, and some of those who did appear to have misunderstood the meaning of the term “state media.” These findings suggest that using more prominent tags may be necessary to effectively combat the influence of state-affiliated sources who spread misinformation on social media.
Finding 1 − H1: Tagging false tweets as state-affiliated media (H1a) or with a fact check (H1b) will reduce their perceived accuracy compared to when they are not tagged with either. The fact-check tag will reduce the perceived accuracy of false tweets more than a state media tag (H1c).4All hypotheses and analyses reported here were preregistered unless otherwise noted (see The order and wording of the hypotheses were changed slightly for expositional reasons. Results for preregistered research questions are reported in Appendix B.
As Figure 1 indicates, state-affiliated media tags on Twitter were less effective at reducing the perceived accuracy of false claims from state media outlets than previous research suggests. On the other hand, our results reinforce the finding that fact-checks are effective at combating misinformation.
Participants who received no state-affiliated media tags or fact-check labels had an average belief in false tweets of 1.92 on our 4-point accuracy scale—very close to the means of 1.99, 1.98, and 1.92 in the China, Serbia, and generic state media tag conditions plotted in Figure 1a. By contrast, mean perceived accuracy decreased to 1.73 in the fact-check condition—a similar effect size to those reported in Clayton et al. (2020). The mean of 1.96 is virtually identical when we combine the three state media tag conditions in Figure 1b.
We report the results of statistical tests of these differences in Table 1. Contrary to H1a, we found no evidence that state media tag conditions separately or in combination changed the perceived accuracy of false claims from state media (China: 0.037, 95% CI [-0.035, 0.109]; Serbia: 0.047, 95% CI [-0.025, 0.119]; generic: 0.011, 95% CI [-0.060, 0.082]; combined: 0.031, 95% CI [-0.028, 0.091]).5Our results are similar to Tao and Horiuchi (2023), who also found null effects of China state media tags on accuracy. However, we did not test prominent democracies such as Canada and Japan. The choice to test the effects of tags identifying state media from these countries may explain the positive accuracy effects they observe. However, consistent with H1b and H1c, we found that fact-check labels reduced the perceived accuracy of misinformation relative to the control condition (-0.193, p < .005) and were more effective at reducing belief in misinformation than state-affiliated media tags were both separately (-0.230, -0.240, and -0.205 versus China, Serbia, and generic tags, respectively; p < .005 for each) and together (-0.224, p < .005).

Finding 2 − H2: Tagging tweets as state media will reduce how much trust and confidence people have in news from their source.
As Table 1 demonstrates, we found no measurable reduction in source trust when tweets were labeled as state-affiliated media versus being unlabeled. These results held when we estimated effects separately (China: -0.032, 95% CI [-0.109, 0.044]; Serbia: -0.011, 95% CI [-0.087, 0.064]; generic: -0.040, 95% CI [-0.114, 0.034]) and in a combined measure (-0.028, 95% CI [-0.091, 0.034]).
Accuracy of false claims | Source trust | |||
Variable | (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) |
China state media tag | 0.037 | -0.033 | ||
(0.037) | (0.039) | |||
Serbia state media tag | 0.047 | -0.011 | ||
(0.037) | (0.038) | |||
Generic state media tag | 0.011 | -0.040 | ||
(0.036) | (0.038) | |||
State media tag (any) | 0.031 | -0.028 | ||
(0.030) | (0.032) | |||
Fact-check label | -0.193*** | -0.193*** | -0.026 | -0.026 |
(0.036) | (0.036) | (0.039) | (0.039) | |
Controls | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Differences in effects | ||||
Fact-check label − China tag | -0.230*** | 0.007 | ||
(0.035) | (0.039) | |||
Fact-check label − Serbia tag | -0.240*** | -0.015 | ||
(0.034) | (0.038) | |||
Fact-check label − generic tag | -0.205*** | 0.014 | ||
(0.034) | (0.037) | |||
Fact-check label − any state media tag | -0.225*** | 0.002 | ||
(0.028) | (0.031) | |||
N | 2,533 | 2,533 | 2,509 | 2,509 |
Finding 3 − H3: Tagging false tweets as “China state-affiliated media” rather than “Serbia state-affiliated media” will reduce the perceived accuracy of the tweets (H3a) and trust in the outlet (H3b).
We found no difference in the perceived accuracy of false tweets when the state media outlet was Chinese rather than Serbian (-0.010, 95% CI [-0.079, 0.059]). We similarly found no difference in false claim accuracy when a generic state-affiliated media tag was applied versus one identifying a specific country (China: -0.026, 95% CI [-0.094, 0.043]; Serbia: -0.035, 95% CI [-0.103, 0.031]). Finally, we also found no differential effect on source trust between tweets tagged as Chinese versus Serbian state media (-0.021, 95% CI [-0.096, 0.053).
Finding 4 − H4: Tagging true tweets as state media will reduce their perceived accuracy compared to when they are not tagged as state media.
State media tags had no measurable effects on the perceived accuracy of true tweets. As reported in Table 2, the effect was not statistically significant for tags attributing tweets to state-affiliated media from China (-0.009, 95% CI [-0.080, 0.063]) or Serbia (-0.020, 95% CI [-0.091, 0.051]) or for a generic state media tag (-0.064, 95% CI [-0.137, 0.008]).6Appendix B reports that these effects do not vary by respondent partisanship or feelings toward the countries in question. We also found no evidence of “implied truth” effects on unlabeled tweets or differences in state media tag effects on perceived accuracy based on whether a country is named by a tag or whether the tweet expresses a positive view about the country tagged as responsible for the state media outlet in question.
Accuracy of true claims | |
China state media tag | -0.009 |
(0.036) | |
Serbia state media tag | -0.020 |
(0.036) | |
Generic state media tag | -0.064 |
(0.037) | |
Fact-check label | 0.027 |
(0.037) | |
Controls | ✓ |
N | 2,530 |
Exploratory analyses
The analyses below are not preregistered (i.e., exploratory). We first present evidence that state media tags were apparently not noticed by many participants. We then also show that people who expressed trust and confidence in state media perceived false tweets as more, rather than less, accurate when they received a state media tag.
Finding 1: State media tags not noticed.
The null effects we observe for state-affiliated media tags may be the result of participants failing to notice them. As reported in Table 3, only 14.6–31.3% of respondents across the three state media conditions correctly reported seeing only the type of labels that they were exposed to in a manipulation check question. By contrast, 52.1% of respondents in the fact-check condition reported seeing a fact-check.
The low levels of recall of state media tags that we observe do not appear to be related to a lack of attention. Participants had to pass two attention checks to take part in the study. In addition, 84.2% passed a post-treatment attention check asking them to identify a tweet they had seen from a list (rates varied from 81–87% across conditions). These findings suggest that low tag recall within the state media conditions was not attributable to a lack of interest or attention. If anything, participants likely paid much closer attention to the tweets they saw than the average Twitter user.
Condition | State media tag | Fact-check | Other/multiple |
Control | 11.0% | 2.7% | 86.3% |
China state media | 14.6% | 15.4% | 70.0% |
Serbia state media | 31.3% | 1.7% | 66.9% |
Generic state media | 25.2% | 0.9% | 73.8% |
Fact-check | 3.6% | 52.1% | 44.4% |
Finding 2: Understanding of the term “state media.”
Another possible explanation for our results is that some participants were confused by the terms “state media”/“state-affiliated media” or interpreted the tags as signaling credibility or legitimacy. In a pre-treatment question, 33.2% of respondents said they had a moderate amount or a great deal of trust and confidence in state-affiliated media compared to 43.6% who said they had not very much trust and 23.2% who expressed no trust at all. Consistent with this interpretation, an exploratory analysis finds that state-affiliated media tags appear to increase the perceived accuracy of false tweets among respondents who report a moderate amount or a great deal of confidence in state media. Among this group, the marginal effect on perceived accuracy is positive and statistically significant for state media tags attributed to China (0.123, p < .01) and Serbia (0.125, p < .05). We can also reject the null of no difference in effects for state media tags between participants who report a moderate amount or great deal of confidence in state media and those who have little confidence in it for both countries (China: 0.216, p < .01; 0.167, p < .05 for Serbia; see Table B5 in Appendix B for full results).
Our sample was recruited May 7–14, 2022, from CloudResearch-approved U.S. adult participants on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk) survey platform who had a task approval rating of 95% or higher. CloudResearch is a U.S.-based platform that extensively screens study participants to prevent threats to online data quality. Prior work has demonstrated that participants from Mechanical Turk offer valid data and that CloudResearch screening can improve the quality of responses (Berinsky et al., 2012; Coppock, 2019; Litman et al., 2017).
Due to a widespread concern that MTurk samples tend to skew more liberal than nationally representative samples, we preregistered that we would oversample Republican respondents if self-identifying Democrats and Democratic leaners exceeded 55% of the first 1,000 responses. This condition was met; 612 respondents identified as Democrats/Democratic leaners versus 295 Republicans/Republican leaners. Based on that partisan split, we estimated that we would need to recruit 598 additional self-identified Republicans to reach a final sample of 2495 with a partisan balance of 1,156 Republicans and 1,157 Democrats. Therefore, we invited 598 self-identified Republicans from CloudResearch to participate in addition to 893 more participants with no partisan requirements. All respondents were required to meet the criteria specified above and to pass two pre-treatment attention checks as recommended by Berinsky et al. (2014).
Our final sample ultimately consisted of 2,555 participants. The sample is diverse but tilts female (55% female), young (35–44 median age group), and educated (55% have a bachelor’s degree or higher) compared to national averages. Approximately 78% identify as non-Hispanic and white. The partisan balance is 48% Democrats and Democratic leaners and 43% Republicans and Republican leaners, which is nearly identical to Gallup estimates for May 2022 (Gallup, 2022). Notably, we observed high levels of Twitter use in the sample—78% said they use the site, including 47% who do so at least once per week, which increases the external validity of the study for understanding behavior on the platform.
Experimental design
We conducted a between-subjects experiment in which respondents were randomly assigned with equal probability to one of five conditions: Chinese state-affiliated media tags, Serbian state-affiliated media tags, generic state-affiliated media tags that did not specify a country, fact-check tags, and no tags (control). Participants completed the study on the Qualtrics online survey platform. All question wording and stimuli are provided in Appendix A. In particular, we compared the effects of a “China state-affiliated media” tag with a “Serbia state-affiliated media” tag (at the time of the study, Twitter labeled news sources from both countries as state-affiliated media). We selected China as the “unfavorable” state because approximately 89% of Americans expressed a negative perception of China at the time (Silver et al., 2022). We selected Serbia as the “neutral” state because of the neutral perception it maintains despite its role in disseminating misinformation (Mujanović 2022). Approximately 46% of Americans expressed a neutral opinion of Serbia in prior polling, while 24% and 19% view it positively and negatively, respectively (YouGov America 2017).7In our sample, only 19.1% of respondents indicated having a somewhat or very favorable opinion of China in a pre-treatment question compared to 40.7% for Serbia. In a third condition, tweets from “Global Times” are labeled as “State-affiliated media” without specifying the country, which we refer to as a “generic” state-affiliated media tag.
After providing informed consent and completing a pre-treatment battery, participants were presented with 16 separate tweets which appeared in random order. Respondents evaluated each tweet one at a time. Though this design does not exactly mirror a real-world Twitter feed, we sought to minimize spillover effects between tags by preventing respondents from going back and changing previous answers. We presented the tweets individually to the participants rather than embedding them in a replication of a typical Twitter feed, making it easier for them to read each tweet and see the state-affiliated media tags. We also presented the tweets as coming directly from the outlet in question (i.e., not retweeted) so that users could not rely on source cues from who shared the information.
Ten tweets were from independent media organizations; seven of these were rated true by independent fact-checkers, and three were rated false. The other six tweets were retrieved from the Twitter feeds of state-affiliated media organizations. Half of those tweets were rated false by independent fact checkers and the other half were rated true. Of the six state-affiliated media tweets, two relate to Chinese politics, two to Serbian/European politics, and two to global politics. For each topical pair, one tweet is true and one tweet is false. For example, the China-related state-affiliated media true tweet stated that “Taiwanese TV apologized and urged people not to panic after it mistakenly reported on the Chinese attack on Taipei in the midst of growing tensions with Beijing.”
In the state media conditions, all six Global Times tweets were labeled as “China state-affiliated media,” “Serbia state-affiliated media,” or “State-affiliated media” in grey font under the name of the source—the format used by Twitter at the time the study was conducted.8After data collection, we discovered two errors in the China state-affiliated media tag condition: one false tweet from a non-state media source included a fact-check label and one state media tweet (the true tweet related to China) omitted a state media tag. We coded participants in the China state media condition who saw the fact-check label as having correct recall (see Table 3), resulting in an increase in correct recall compared to what we would expect to find without the error. The omitted state media tag may have decreased correct recall in the state media condition. In the fact-check condition, the three false state media tweets and the three false tweets from other sources were labeled as “false information” at the bottom of the tweet, using the visual format of Twitter fact-checks but mirroring Facebook’s language due to questions about the efficacy of Twitter’s labels (Papakyriakopoulos & Goodman, 2022; Sanderson et al., 2021). No tweets were tagged or labeled in the control condition.
We formatted tweets as they would appear on Twitter. The wording was occasionally altered slightly for clarity. All tweets from a state media source were attributed to “Global Times,” a neutrally named Chinese state media outlet. We used this name because it does not explicitly reference China, can plausibly be seen as a state media outlet of any country, and is little known by U.S. audiences. Only 12.6% of participants indicated having heard of “Global Times” in a pre-treatment question, which is indistinguishable from the 12.3% who indicated familiarity with “The Centennial,” a news outlet name that we made up for our survey.
An example of how tweets were presented to participants is provided in Figure 2, which displays the versions of the false China-related state media tweet shown across the five conditions. As the figure illustrates, our design holds the content fixed, allowing us to compare the effect of different state media tags with fact-check labels. However, this design choice means that some of the treatments included Serbian media commenting on specifically China-related issues and vice versa.
The full survey questionnaire and all tweets shown in all conditions are provided in Appendix A. All respondents were extensively debriefed after completing the experiment which was designated as exempt by the Dartmouth College Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects (STUDY00032507).

Outcome measures
Participants were instructed to read each tweet and to rate the accuracy of a statement below summarizing a claim in the tweet on a 4-point Likert scale from 1 = not at all accurate to 4 = very accurate.9Due to a programming error, two of the false tweets in the Serbia state-affiliated media condition allowed respondents to select more than one response when rating the accuracy of the statement in question. In the rare cases in which this event took place (a total of 21 responses across the two questions), we deviated from our preregistration and took the mean of the responses provided rather than risking post-treatment bias by dropping the observations. Based on these responses, we created composite measures of mean perceived accuracy for the false state-affiliated media tweets and true state-affiliated media tweets. After reading all 16 tweets, participants were also asked to indicate how much trust and confidence they have in the Global Times to report news accurately and fairly on a scale from 1 = not at all to 4 = a great deal.10The wording of this measure was changed before fielding the study but after the preregistration was filed. It previously stated we would ask respondents to indicate how favorably they felt toward the Global Times on a 4-point scale.
Statistical methods
We estimated the effects of our treatments using ordinary least squares (OLS) with robust standard errors. Our primary outcomes were measured at the respondent level, but we also clustered by respondent in headline-level analyses. Covariates were selected for each outcome variable using the lasso from a preregistered set of candidate variables to increase the precision of our treatment effect estimates (Bloniarz et al., 2016). All results follow our preregistered analysis plan unless otherwise specified (see
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We thank the Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning for generous funding support.
Competing Interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
The protocol was approved by the Dartmouth Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects (STUDY00032507). All participants provided informed consent and were asked standard demographic questions about ethnicity and gender that were important for assessing the composition of the survey sample.
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