About our Numbers
This page provides information about our article metrics, citation impact, annual usage, and publication speed.
Article Metrics
Each article page contains information about article views and downloads, Crossref citations, and online attention.
Citation Impact 2023
CiteScore: 20.7
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 3.600
Source Normalised Impact per Paper (SNIP): 2.154
Usage 2023
Annual page views: 209K
Speed 2022
Submission to first decision: 7 days
Submission to first post-review decision: 42 days
Submission to acceptance: 120 days
Acceptance to publication: 30 days
Note: While we are doing all we can to publish articles within one to three months of entering peer review, our publication speed heavily depends on the shape and quality of the submitted manuscripts. Therefore, we encourage authors to read our Author Guidelines closely and submit a polished manuscript.
Last updated on November 16th, 2024.
Understanding Our Metrics
Article views: The total number of times an article page was viewed on our website.
Article downloads: The number of times an article was downloaded on our website. Note: PDF downloads are counted after July 10th, 2023.
Citations: The number of times an article is cited per Crossref data. Citations are updated every 24 hours. Crossref citations may differ from those provided by other services, as they only look for links between Crossref-registered works.
Online attention: The number of times an article is mentioned online (e.g., social media networks such as X, formerly known as Twitter, citations in public policy documents, mainstream media coverage), tracked by Altmetric. Scores are updated every 24 hours.
CiteScore (Scopus): The average number of citations received by articles in the journal over a four-year period.
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): The average number of weighted citations in one year, divided by the number of articles published in the journal in the previous three years.
Source Normalised Impact per Paper (SNIP): The number of citations per article in the journal, divided by citation potential in the field.
Usage: The total number of times articles were viewed on our website in the previous calendar year.
Submission to first decision: The median number of days from the submission of a manuscript to the first editorial decision (i.e., whether the manuscript was sent out for review or not), excluding Commentaries.
Submission to first post-review decision: The median number of days from the submission of a manuscript to the first post-review decision (i.e., whether the manuscript was sent in revision or not), excluding Commentaries.
Submission to acceptance: The median time number of days from the submission of a manuscript to the final acceptance date, excluding Commentaries.
Acceptance to publication: The median number of days from the acceptance of a manuscript to the online publication, excluding Commentaries.