Volume 6

Issue 1

State media tagging does not affect perceived tweet accuracy: Evidence from a U.S. Twitter experiment in 2022

Claire Betzer, Montgomery Booth, Beatrice Cappio, Alice Cook, Madeline Gochee, Benjamin Grayzel, Leyla Jacoby, Sharanya Majumder, Michael Manda, Jennifer Qian, Mitchell Ransden, Miles Rubens, Mihir Sardesai, Eleanor Sullivan, Harish Tekriwal, Ryan Waaland and Brendan Nyhan

State media outlets spread propaganda disguised as news online, prompting social media platforms to attach state-affiliated media tags to their accounts. Do these tags reduce belief in state media misinformation? Previous studies suggest the tags reduce misperceptions but focus on Russia, and current research does not compare these tags with other interventions.

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How alt-tech users evaluate search engines: Cause-advancing audits

Evan M. Williams and Kathleen M. Carley

Search engine audit studies—where researchers query a set of terms in one or more search engines and analyze the results—have long been instrumental in assessing the relative reliability of search engines. However, on alt-tech platforms, users often conduct a different form of search engine audit.

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Research Note

The origin of public concerns over AI supercharging misinformation in the 2024 U.S. presidential election

Harry Yaojun Yan, Garrett Morrow, Kai-Cheng Yang and John Wihbey

We surveyed 1,000 U.S. adults to understand concerns about the use of artificial intelligence (AI) during the 2024 U.S. presidential election and public perceptions of AI-driven misinformation. Four out of five respondents expressed some level of worry about AI’s role in election misinformation.

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