Articles By

Natascha Chtena


Our journal statistics for 2021

Natascha Chtena

In this editorial, we share some of the journal’s key statistics for 2021, including acceptance rate, processing and publication times, and other useful data. 

By Natascha Chtena

Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy, Harvard University, USA

Image by mohamed_hassan on Pixabay

In 2021, we received 109 submissions in total, which included 85 research articles, 18 commentaries, and 6 research notes.

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A year in review

Natascha Chtena

Volume 1, Issue 8 Editorial

By Natascha Chtena

Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy, Harvard University, USA


As we enter 2021, the HKS Misinformation Review completes its first year as a journal dedicated to publishing work of the highest quality from across the misinformation field on a compressed publication schedule.

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